Reflecting on Week #3 – Getting a Handle on Things

So this last week has been a whirlwind.  I have managed to not feel overwhelmed by school.  The rest of life is a whole other story though.  Projects due for Wednesday observation classes are now understood, video and blog postings are rolling along at a relatively decent pace, and I felt like the task list for this weeks EDCI 336 class was phenomenally manageable.  I have googled myself many times in the past, so doing it for class was amusing, as I got to receive an update that the famous Aaron Mauger (one of the world’s top rugby players, now retired due to injury) has been let go by the New Zealand Highlanders (A rugby team).  Teaching up other such terms as “Aaron Mauger Instagram” or “Aaron Mauger Facebook” (as two social media platforms I do have) turns up nothing.  When searching for instagram related names Aaron Maurer, Aaron Auger, and Aaron Rodgers all appear as options, with my name no where to be seen.  Facebook does turn up my profile, but it is set to private so you can see my name, and a picture of me with my boys, and that is it.  My presence on the internet is minimal, and that is the way I like it.  I have explained the story of my time at Columbia Bible College a few times now, and why it turned me off social media, but if anyone wants to hear that story but hasn’t I will certainly share it again.

Our actual class this week for 336 was great.  I am fairly familiar with the basics of video editing, as I have recorded myself reading books to my kids many many times at the beginning of the summer.  The first few were pretty shaky, but I wrapped my head around how to do it and so this is an area I feel fairly competent in.  I will certainly be experimenting with some of the resources that we were introduced to to see if there are ways to streamline the process, as taking pictures of a 50 page book, then recording 50 individual snippets of audio to place with those pages can be fairly time consuming.

I am currently looking forward to seeing what is on our to do list for this class next week, and getting the next week’s worth of assignments completely wrapped up.  Next up: chronicling the first lessons of fire spinning.

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